
What is WITS Kindergarten Online?

WITS Kindergarten Online is designed to teach early learners the literacy skills appropriate for their age and give them the tools and time to apply those skills in real-world environments. Students will get the chance to be curious researchers in their community and explore empathy, character, and connections to the world around them. Laurie Brooks, Curriculum Manager at WITS and former Chicago Public School teacher, developed the curriculum for WITS Kindergarten Online. New read alouds and activities will be introduced every Monday, alternating English and Spanish versions, and students and families can participate at any time. 

Who will be teaching this program?

The WITS Kindergarten Online program will be taught by Ms. Laurie Brooks and Ms. Rosalba Granados.

In her role as Curriculum Manager at WITS, Laurie develops the content of WITS programs to drive outcomes. She provides ongoing literacy, behavior management, and social emotional coaching and training for staff to activate with students and volunteers. Laurie previously taught students in grades PreK-3rd in Chicago Public Schools classrooms for seven years.

WITS is excited to partner with long-time WITS advocate and CPS Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Rosalba Granados. Ms. Granados has a M.A. Ed in Early Education, bilingual certification from the Erikson Institute, and has been the lead teacher for ECSP at Talcott Fine Arts and Museum Academy.

WITS Kindergarten Online will feature:
  • Literacy lessons designed and led by two elementary educators.
  • Recorded read alouds of high-interest and culturally relevant books for kindergarten age students.
  • Activities that can be downloaded and printed, or can easily be re-created using materials commonly found at home.
  • All resources will be available in both English and Spanish.

Students will:
  • Develop awareness of their thinking as they read, listen, and observe.
  • Practice retelling stories and making connections to their lives and connections to the world.
  • Explore biographies and write their own personal stories that incorporate characters, settings, and events.
  • Learn about non-fiction books and discover their helpful features like labels and captions.

What will each week look like? / ¿Cómo será cada semana?

On Mondays we will…

  • Start with a welcome activity that introduces a reading skill
  • Use Zoophonics to learn letter names and sounds with animal motions
  • Read a fairy tale together

Los Lunes vamos a…

  • Empezar con una bienvenida que introduzca una habilidad de lectura
  • Leer un cuento de hadas juntos

On Wednesday we will…

  • Start with a welcome activity that introduces a reading skill
  • Get our bodies moving with a movement activity
  • Read a different version of Monday’s fairy tale

Los Miércoles vamos a…

  • Empezar con una bienvenida que introduzca una habilidad de lectura
  • Leer una versión diferente del cuento de hadas del lunes

Alma and How She Got Her Name

by Juana Martinez-Neal

Did you enjoy Alma and How She Got Her Name? Chicago Residents can check out this book from their local library. If you don’t have a library card, click here for information on how to get one.  Check out this book now!

Today students will learn about character traits and research their names.

Students will learn what a character trait is, then name character traits that best describe Alma, using evidence from the text to support their thinking. The activities provided will help students research their family, their names, and further learn about character traits.
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Alma y cómo obtuvo su nombre

por Juana Martinez-Neal

¿Disfrutaste Alma y cómo obtuvo su nombre? Residentes de Chicago pueden sacar este libro de su biblioteca local. Si no tienes una tarjeta de biblioteca, ¡haga clic aquí para información sobre cómo obtener una! ¡Saca este libro ahora!

Hoy los estudiantes aprenderán sobre los rasgos de carácter e investigarán sus nombres.

Los estudiantes aprenderán qué es un rasgo de carácter. Luego, nombrarán los rasgos de carácter que mejor describan Alma, usando pruebas del texto para apoyar su pensamiento. Las actividades proporcionadas ayudarán a los estudiantes a investigar su familia, sus nombres, y aprender más sobre los rasgos de carácter.

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Libros de lecturas de la National Geographic: Rocas y Minerales

por Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

Hoy los estudiantes aprenderán a usar libros de no ficción para aprender más sobre una tema.

Los estudiantes aprenderán cómo los lectores sacar el máximo de la no ficción usando funciones de texto. Usando las actividades proporcionadas, los estudiantes aprenderán las características de rocas, pasarán tiempo afuera coleccionando las rocas, y crearán un museo de rocas para mostrar lo que encontraron.

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National Geographic Readers: Rocks and Minerals

by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

Did you enjoy National Geographic Readers: Rocks and Minerals? Chicago Residents can check out this book from their local library. If you don’t have a library card, click here for information on how to get one. Check out this book now!

Today students will learn how to use non-fiction books to learn more about a topic.

Students will learn how readers get the most out of non-fiction using text features. Using the activities provided students with learn the characteristics of rocks, spend time outside collecting rocks, and make a rock museum to show what they have found.

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by Patrick McDonnell

Did you enjoy Me...Jane? Chicago Residents can check out this book from their local library. If you don’t have a library card, click here for information on how to get one. Check out this book now!

Today students will learn about biographies.

Students will learn the features of biographies: setting, action, characters, and chronological order. The activities will teach students retelling and writing their own biographies.

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por Patrick McDonnell

Hoy los estudiantes aprenderán sobre biografías.

Los estudiantes aprenderán las características de biografías: escenario, acción, personajes, y orden cronológico. Las actividades enseñarán a los estudiantes cómo volver a contar y escribir sus propias biografías.

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Estamos en un libro

por Mo Willems

¿Disfrutaste Estamos en un libro? Residentes de Chicago pueden sacar este libro de su biblioteca local. Si no tienes una tarjeta de biblioteca, ¡haga clic aquí para información sobre cómo obtener una! ¡Saca este libro ahora!

Hoy los estudiantes aprenderán a escribir una historia.

Los estudiantes aprenderán a mirar de cerca el trabajo de los autores que les encantan y a preguntarse a su mismo, "¿Qué hizo este escritor que puedo intentar?" La actividad proporcionada ayudará a los estudiantes a escribir sus propias historias usando burbujas de diálogo y a representar su historia usando títeres.

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We are in a Book

by Mo Willems

Did you enjoy We are in a Book? Chicago Residents can check out this book from their local library. If you don’t have a library card, click here for information on how to get one. Check out this book now!

Today students will learn how to write a story.

Students will learn how to look closely at the work of authors they love and ask themselves, "What did this writer do that I could try?" The activity provided will help students write their own story using dialogue bubbles and act out their story using puppets.
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Dragons Love Tacos

by Adam Rubin

Did you enjoy Dragons Love Tacos? Chicago Residents can check out this book from their local library. If you don’t have a library card, click here for information on how to get one. Check out this book now!

Today students will learn about cause and effect.

Students will learn the comprehension strategy “Cause and Effect”. By paying attention to what happens (the effect) and why it happened (the cause), it is easier to understand and remember the information in a story. In the activity provided, students will draw and write about the causes and effects that we read about today.

There is also a fun activity where students can make their own card game and taco slime.

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Dragones y Tacos

por Adam Rubin

¿Disfrutaste Dragones y Tacos? Residentes de Chicago pueden sacar este libro de su biblioteca local. Si no tienes una tarjeta de biblioteca, ¡haga clic aquí para información sobre cómo obtener una! ¡Saca este libro ahora!

Hoy los estudiantes aprenderán sobre causa y efecto.

Los estudiantes aprenderán la estrategía de comprensión “Causa y Efecto”. Al prestar atención a lo que sucede (el efecto) y por qué sucedió (la causa), es más fácil entender y recordar la información de una historia. En la actividad proporcionada, los estudiantes dibujarán y escribirán sobre las causas y efectos que leemos hoy.

También hay una actividad divertida donde los estudiantes pueden crear su propio juego de cartas y limo de taco.

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¡Gracias, Omu!

por Oge Mora

¿Disfrutaste ¡Gracias, Omu!? Residentes de Chicago pueden sacar este libro de su biblioteca local. Si no tienes una tarjeta de biblioteca, ¡haga clic aquí para información sobre cómo obtener una! ¡Saca este libro ahora!

Hoy los estudiantes aprenderán sobre el mensaje central de una historia.

Los estudiantes aprenderán a identificar los detalles clave que los llevan al mensaje o lección central de una historia.

La actividad enseñará a los estudiantes a usar un póster de referencia del mensaje central, expresando gratitud y haciendo recetas divertidas.

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Thank you, Omu!

by Oge Mora

Did you enjoy Thank You, Omu!? Chicago Residents can check out this book from their local library. If you don’t have a library card, click here for information on how to get one. Check out this book now!

Today students will learn about the central message of a story.

Students will learn how to identify key details that will lead them to the central message or lesson of a story.

The activity will teach students how to use a central message anchor chart, expressing gratitude, and making fun recipes.

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Your feedback is important to us./ Su feedback es importante para nosotros.

We hope you enjoyed our WITSK Online program. Your feedback will help us to create new content that best meets the needs of our community. Thank you for your participation!/ Esperamos que haya disfrutado nuestro programa de WITSK En Línea. Su feedback nos ayudará a crear contenido nuevo que se adopte mejor a las necesidades de la comunidad. ¡Gracias por su participación!