Rochelle Lee Teacher Award Study Groups are school-based professional learning communities. Study groups develop a goal to guide their learning throughout the school year, and meet monthly to discuss instruction and push their practice to reach their goal. Learn more about Walt Disney Magnet School’s study group and what they learned about enhancing literacy instruction through integrating the arts.
School: Walt Disney Magnet School
Text: Integrating the Arts Across the Content Areas by Lisa Donovan and Louise Pascale
Study Group Leader: Caroline Mahon
Study Group Members: Lauren Ayala, Katrinka Knerr, Melissa Albarran, MB Ginn
Goal: To enhance literacy instruction through integrating the arts.
We found many ways that integrating the arts was successful in the ways we chose in our classrooms, including poetry, music, storytelling, visual arts, and drama.
We think there might have been a book out there with better ideas, but this definitely served as a great starting-off point and gave us ideas that we were able to tweak as needed.