What Would You Like the Power To Do?

Ana PortaInside WITS, Programs

What Would You Like the Power To Do

One of our corporate partners, Bank of America, has been asking the question, What Would You Like the Power To Do? WITS asked students who partner with Bank of America volunteers in the Mid-Day Mentoring program at Walsh Elementary in Pilsen this same question, and here are the responses they gave!

Former Students

Emari, Leonardo, and Emily participated in the WITS Mid-Day Mentoring program when they were in 3rd grade last year, and each of the students had the chance to work with volunteers from Bank of America. The program gave them the opportunity to build a year-long relationship with two caring adult mentors, and they were given the chance to read whichever books they chose all year long. Their ideas of what they would like to do vary, but the thread that unites them is the desire to follow their dreams.


“I wish that I had the power to be a gymnastics teacher and a dancer so I could be more flexible and teach people how to do gymnastics. It would make me feel happy inside because I can help people. I would also like to help the homeless. It would help them be happy and get money and stay in nice places. I also want to save people – I could be a superhero! And I want to go to New York because I like the accent.”

Emari, 4th grade

“I would like the power to be an artist or an art teacher. It would make me feel happy and strong because I could help people be a better artist. I would probably have to go to art classes, and when I go to college, I will take a lot of art classes and also do history and reading because then I could see what I want to paint when I get older and I could paint history. When I get older, I would like to be a president. If people were struggling, I would give them enough money to get food and stay places so they could be safe, and if they had children, I would give them more money so they could help them be healthy.”

Leonardo, 4th grade

“I would like to be a musician and help people know about music stuff and help them play the violin and the piano. That will make me feel happy because then everyone will know how to do music. I would feel excited and proud.”

Emily, 4th grade
Current Students

Tonanxhi, Daniel, and Angelica are current 3rd graders participating in the Mid-Day Mentoring program. As the program starts up, the students are meeting their volunteer partners and getting to know each other, while setting reading goals for the year. These students’ responses demonstrate the ways they are connected to the people in their lives and their drive to help others.


“I would like the power to be able to go to my friend’s house every single day. I also wish I could stop world’s cancer. Some people go hungry because they’re homeless and stuff like that, so I wish I could stop both of those things.”

Tonanxhi, 3rd grade

“I would like the power to see my cousin every day. I could play with her all the time and hang out with her. I also wish I could have work – I want to cook. I would sell what I cook for free and help the homeless.”

Daniel, 3rd grade

“Some people don’t go to college and they really don’t have that much of a good job. So, when I’m done with college, I would like to be a teacher or a gym teacher to help people study and learn more.”

Angelica, 3rd grade

WITS provides literacy programming at no cost to Chicago neighborhood elementary schools.

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