This year, the Rochelle Lee Teacher Award Summer Institute is taking place 100% online. The 19 workshops, 6 sessions of Becoming Readers Institute (BRI), 5 sessions of RLTA Orientation RLTAO), 3 sessions of Study Group Member Orientation (SGMO), and 2 sessions of Study Group Leader Training (SGLT) are being facilitated by an amazing cast of educators. Let’s meet them below!

Laurie is the Curriculum Manager at WITS, RLTA study group coach, and former K-3rd grade CPS teacher. She is facilitating “Social-Emotional Learning in the Literacy Classroom” & “Teaching Literacy Through Inquiry in the Primary Classroom” this summer.

Kimiko is a 6th-8th grade ELA teacher at Avalon Park Elementary School, CPS Framework Specialist, CPS Opportunity Schools Literacy EIT, ProjectLit Chapter Leader, and RLTA individual awardee. She is facilitating “Using Diverse and Inclusive Books as Mentor Texts” this summer.

Melissa is a 6th-8th ELA Special Education teacher at Prescott Elementary, former study group and individual awardee, and former Summer Institute presenter. She is facilitating “Trauma Informed Teaching Inside and Outside the Classroom” this summer.

Sean is an 8th grade English/Language Arts teacher at Smyser Elementary, a Google Level 1 and Level 2 Certified Educator and Google Trainer, Apple Teacher, former Summer Institute presenter, WITS Study Group Member, and Rochelle Lee Teacher Awardee. He is facilitating “G Suite in the Reader/Writer’s Workshop” this summer.

Jessica is a Primary Diverse Learner Teacher at Chalmers School of Excellence, a National Board Certified Teacher, former Summer Institute presenter, and Rochelle Lee Teacher Awardee. She is facilitating “Building Emotional Literacy with Conscious Discipline” this summer.

Laura is a 4th-5th grade ELA and Social Studies teacher and RLTA awardee for past three summers. She is facilitating “Accountable Talk Through Literature Circles” this summer.

Karyn is a 3rd Grade teacher at Crow Island Elementary School in Winnetka, IL; a National Board Certified Teacher, National Louis University Adjunct Professor, former Summer Institute presenter, and Rochelle Lee Teacher Awardee. She is facilitating “Building Writers using Authentic Tasks and Audiences,” “Word Study for Beginners,” and “Poetry Palooza!” this summer.

Katie is a Kindergarten Lead teacher at Beidler Elementary and second year awardee. She is facilitating “Questioning and Discussion Techniques: Moving Beyond Recall to Extend Thinking” this summer.

Mickey is a Chicago Program Manager at H.E.A.R.T. (Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers), and a former Summer Institute presenter. He is facilitating “Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills in the Classroom” and “Teaching Students to Be Changemakers” this summer.

Hannah is a 6th-8th grade Special Education Teacher at Pulaski Elementary. She is facilitating “Get Your Mind Into the Gutter: Strategies for Teaching Graphic Novels” this summer.

Norah is a Lead Early Childhood Teacher for pre-K-Kindergarten at Oscar Mayer and a second year awardee. She is facilitating “Questioning and Discussion Techniques: Moving Beyond Recall to Extend Thinking” this summer.

Andrea is a Middle School Reading Teacher for 6th-8th grades. She is facilitating “Building Student-Teacher Rapport Through Writing” this summer.

Evelyn is a 3rd Grade teacher at Swift Elementary, a former individual awardee, and study group leader. She is facilitating “Curating an Inclusive Classroom Library” this summer.

Margot is a Bilingual Coordinator at Chappell Elementary and a former RLTA study group leader and member. She is facilitating “Background Knowledge: Put Your Struggling Readers on Third Base” this summer.

Sara is a K-2 Instructional Coach & MTSS Coordinator at Namaste, a former individual awardee, study group leader, and TACAR book club participant. She is facilitating “Using Shared Writing to Develop Core Competencies & Grow As A Community of Writers” this summer.

Ebony is an Assistant Principal, former individual awardee and study group leader, and former Summer Institute presenter. She is facilitating “Implementing Effective Small Group/Small Group Interventions” this summer.
These facilitators are doing an outstanding job creating dynamic programming for our teachers. Their commitment to the Rochelle Lee Teacher Award program has meant that teachers have the space they need to collaborate to get ready for an unprecedented school year.
Every year WITS offers
Rochelle Lee Teacher Awardees over
of free, educator-led professional development workshops.