Letter From a Parent

WITSMission & Outcomes, Student & Mentor Spotlight

Letter from a parent

I hope you are having a good morning.  I am the mother of a WITS student that participants in the WITS program through the partnership with Manuel Perez Elementary School.

I want to take this time to thank the WITS program and the partnership with Jones Day and its employees for their time in mentoring the children in our community.

On behalf of my son I want to specifically thank his four mentors. My son was very fond of his Monday mentors and his in-school mentors! He always returned to school happy to share his stories with us about his mentors.

My son is a good young boy with a great heart and a great imagination but struggles to socialize well with his classmates because of his “weird” or “awkward”  way of being.  So, going to WITS and talking with his mentors really helped him feel good about himself and expressing himself freely to them.

Please let his mentors know that he really enjoyed meeting them and working with them.  It has been a tough 3rd grade year for him but the highlight for him was going to WITS on Monday afternoon, he always came home with a smile.

Recently my son was chosen to do the first reading at his First Communion Mass. Although he was nervous, he read at the pulpit and did a very nice job, with such great expression and clarity.

We will continue working with him on his reading over the summer!

-A Thankful Parent