The Chicago White Sox are a committed organization on the baseball diamond and in the community. WITS’ partnership with the White Sox has always focused on supporting students and families in Chicago. For years, employees and staff have taken the short walk down the street from their offices at Guaranteed Rate Field to a nearby southside neighborhood school, McClellan Elementary. It was there that volunteers donated their time as weekly or bi-weekly literacy mentors to 3rd graders, provided gifts to students and school staff, and put on special events both at the school and at the stadium.

However, the world has had to shift in many ways due to the global pandemic. With safety protocols and adjustments preventing their usual participation in program, the Sox have been determined to find ways to stay engaged and support CPS students. To continue supporting the local McClellan elementary, they have provided fifty gift bags with stickers and pencils for students to take home. They also are sharing the joy of reading as part of National Reading month this March. In collaboration with WITS, White Sox outfielder Adam Eaton, his wife Katie, and their children recorded a read aloud of Catching the Moon: The Story of a Young Girl’s Baseball Dream by Crystal Hubbard.
The book is about a young Toni Stone, who despite facing racist and sexist opposition, became the first woman to play baseball professionally. The Eatons’ enjoyment and togetherness demonstrate the fun and importance of sharing stories, even in atypical circumstances. We hope you will follow along and be inspired to read more books together. Please share the read-aloud with anyone in your life who may enjoy it!