Photographs from the Event
Thank You
What an amazing night we had at the WITS Blackboard Affair! It was wonderful to see so many passionate individuals come together to celebrate and contribute to keeping WITS programming free for Chicago Public Schools' students and teachers. Your support helped make this event a tremendous success, and we are thrilled to announce that we raised $521,244 for WITS. Whether you attended the event or had to miss it this year, you are a part of the WITS community, and you directly contribute to the growth of Chicago’s youngest learners.
Keep blooming!
Tena Latona
Stay in Touch
If you’re feeling inspired and would like to get more involved, email WITS Chief Development Officer Ashley Bloom for more information on supporting our mission. We are excited to have you as a part of our community.
Event Committee
Event Co-Chairs
Jennifer Alter Warden
Eveart Foster
Event Committee Members
Craig Close
Maria Ekern
Tom Garland
Pam Gordon
Joan Hannant
Patrick Hatton
Diane Graham-Henry
Debra Levin
Atajah Mothershed
Crystal Reynolds
Bobby Steinsdoerfer
Phyllis Tabachnick
Kathleen VanDam
Morrison Warren
Joyce Winnecke
WITS is the largest provider of literacy programming in CPS because of our consistent, strong partnerships. Thank you to our 2024 event sponsors.



Greenberg Traurig
H.Debra Levin
Innovator ETFs
J.P. Morgan
Marquette Associates
Singerman Real Estate
Table hosts
As of October 15Billy Warden & Nina Ryan
Bobby Steinsdoerfer & Rickie Trudeau
Brenda & Ve Bui
Craig Close & Terra Ellingson
Crystal & Franklin Reynolds
Diane Graham-Henry & Thomas Hall
Devereaux Peters
Emily & Ryan Stoner
Jennifer Alter Warden & Rob Warden
Joanne Firestone Nemerovski
Joyce Winnecke & George Houlihan
K&L Gates
Magnolia Capital
The Family of Marion Stone
Phyllis Tabachnick
Skybox Capital
Susan Berman & Ray Cahnman
In-Kind Sponsors
As of October 9