wits summer books FUNDRAISER TOOLKIT

This marks the 11th year that WITS will be building at-home and classroom libraries for Chicago Public Schools’ students and teachersIn that time, we have sent home over 65,000 books and put over 972,000 books in classrooms. This campaign is responsible for nearly 15% of the WITS overall budget needed to build at-home and classroom libraries as well as the programming that supports this initiative. 
Fundraising can seem daunting, so please use this WITS Summer Books Toolkit to make your experience a little easier. The resources included in this Toolkit will help you achieve your fundraising goals. The Toolkit includes a to-do list, instructions to personalize your page, email and social media templates, as well as content and pictures to share with your network. 
If you have any questions about navigating your fundraising page, please reach out to your team captain or Kellie Romany, Marketing Director at WITS: kellie@witschicago.org 


  • Things To Do ASAP
    1. Join a fundraising team and customize your page.
      • Share why you are supporting WITS. If you are a mentor, share your mentor experience. If you are a supporter of our mission, share what reading means to you and why you believe the WITS mission is important.
    2. Compile your contact list.
      • Keep in mind that you're not requesting money from your friends, family, and colleagues; instead, you're seeking their support in fostering in fostering proficient readers and important learning habits among CPS students at this critical age. 
    3. Make a WITS Summer Books fundraising plan.
      • Research shows that people need to see a message seven times before it sinks in.
      • Make sure to thank donors in a timely fashion.
    4. Reach out to contacts with personalized emails.
      • Put time on your calendar every 2-3 weeks to send an email to your contact list. In some cases, a text message may be appropriate as well.
      • Ask the person directly. A personal request is more likely to result in donations than mass emails or social media posts. There is an email template below, or you can write your own.
      • A lot of companies offer matching gifts, so remind your donors to check in with their employers. Here is a helpful tool to see what companies offer matching gifts.
    5. Spread the word on social media.
      • Use Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to excite donors about WITS Summer Books and direct them to your personal page. We've included sample language below.
      • Thank your supporters by tagging them in social media posts and celebrating their gift.
  • 4-6 Weeks Out
    1. Circle back.
      • ​Send out a reminder or two. We are all inundated with emails, and these requests easily fall to the bottom of a crowded inbox.
    2. Post multiple times on social media.
      • Include a new photo. Photos help put a personal face on your campaign. 
  • Final 2 weeks
    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
      • Say thank you every time you receive a donation. If donors feel appreciated, they are more likely to give again.
      • Send a wrap-up of the day thanking people for supporting you and reminding others they can still donate.


We cannot stress enough how important this is!

Every WITS Summer Books fundraiser has access to his or her own fundraising page through Donately. Your supporters will be donating to your page, which will contribute to your overall team goal. You will receive an email from Donately when someone has donated to your individual page. This email will contain the amount the person donated and a link to their email account so you can thank them.Take a few minutes to personalize your page before contacting your network.

Join a team
  • Joining your team

    When you join a team, you will be prompted to enter the below items:

    • Personal Information
      • First name, Last name, and Email.
    • Fundraiser Information
      • Fundraiser Title
        • Make it recognizable by including your name, for example, [your name] for [team name].
    • Fundraiser Description
      • Tell your friends and family more about WITS and why you’re involved
      • Here is an example
        • Help me give 10,000 books to Chicago teachers and students by supporting WITS Summer Books!

          Part of the WITS mission is to enable teachers to build diverse classroom libraries and promote book ownership at home. Research proves that having books at home and in the classroom increases students' academic success, vocabulary development, and confidence.

          By supporting WITS Summer Books and giving books to Chicago teachers and students, you are playing a positive role in the lives of hundreds of students.

    • Fundraising goal
      • We recommend $2,000.
    • Upload an image
      • Include a photo of yourself.


Copy and paste the below language to write your email.

Hello friends and family – I need your help!

I am raising money to support the students and teachers at [insert school name] Elementary School in Chicago. My team aims to raise $[insert dollar amount] to improve students' literacy skills by giving students books for their at-home libraries and teachers books for their classroom libraries.

All funds raised will support the purchase and distribution of over 10,000 books to teachers and students and support weekly literacy-based mentorship for hundreds of Chicago Public School students throughout the school year.

You can donate directly to my page here and learn more about [insert school name] Elementary.

WITS is the largest and most consistent provider of no-cost literacy-based mentorship to Chicago Public Schools. Each year they empower Chicago elementary students to discover themselves through reading while developing foundational literacy skills.

Your support has a direct impact on changing these statistics.

  • Only 26% of CPS students met or exceeded reading standards in 2023, down slightly from 2019. In a school district where 71% of students are from low-income families and 88% are minorities, CPS students are exponentially challenged in reaching their full potential.
  • The need is urgent, as 61% of low-income families have no age-appropriate children’s books at home.
  • 82% of CPS elementary schools do not have a functioning library. Libraries are found in just 10% of classrooms in primarily Black schools and 21% in Latinx schools.

By supporting WITS Summer Books, you are playing a positive role in the lives of hundreds of students by supporting their literacy progress and building supportive adult relationships at this critical developmental age. Students who meet important literacy benchmarks by 3rd grade are more likely to graduate from high school, develop 21st century STEM skills, graduate from college, and obtain gainful employment. Your support today will impact the positive trajectory of our Chicago students.

Thank you for your support!




Copy and paste the below language for your post.

Help raise funds to purchase and distribute over 10,000 books to students and teachers. Research proves that children with access to reading materials have better literacy outcomes. Your donation directly impacts the lives of thousands of students in the city of Chicago.[Insert link to your personal fundraising page]



Copy and paste the below language for your post.

$50 provides a Chicago Public Schools student with brand-new, culturally diverse books. Give the gift of reading that puts learning, adventure, and fun directly in students’ hands. Join me today!

[Insert link to your personal fundraising page]



Copy and paste the below language for your post.

Let's fill a classroom with brand-new books! WITS gives Rochelle Lee Teacher Awardees book grants, typically funding the purchase of 85 brand-new books to enhance their classroom library. Make a donation today. 

[Insert link to your personal fundraising page]



Copy and paste the below language for your post.

DID YOU KNOW? Sixty-one percent of low-income families have no age-appropriate children’s books at home. Let’s change that statistic. Donate today! 

[Insert link to your personal fundraising page]



Copy and paste the below language for your post.

Because of YOU, WITS programming is provided at no cost to CPS, or to our schools. WITS is completely funded by the generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations. Every dollar given to WITS directly impacts thousands of students. Be a part of the movement!

[Insert link to your personal fundraising page]



Copy and paste the below language for your post.

Because of YOU, WITS programming is provided at no cost to CPS, or to our schools. WITS is completely funded by the generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations. Every dollar given to WITS directly impacts thousands of students. Be a part of the movement!

[Insert link to your personal fundraising page]


$25,000 School Supporter

Every teacher in the school of your choice will be gifted a classroom library of their choosing and every student in the school will be sent home with brand new age appropriate, high-interest, culturally relevant books. 

  • WITS will work with you and the school to plan a book gifting event for you/and or your company 
  • Co-branded book bags for every student 
  • Blog and Social media recognition of support  
  • Name listed at the 2024 Blackboard Affair as a WITS Summer Books School Supporter 
  • Four (4) tickets to the WITS Blackboard Affair

$10,000 Book Buddy 

Every student in the school will be sent home with brand new age appropriate, high-interest, culturally relevant books. 

  • Co-branded book bags for every student 
  • Blog and Social media recognition of support  
  • Name listed at the 2024 Blackboard Affair as a WITS Summer Books Book Buddy 
  • Two (2) tickets to the WITS Blackboard Affair  

$5,000 – Teacher Champion 

Ten (10) teachers will be gifted a classroom library of their choosing with brand-new age appropriate, high-interest, culturally relevant books. 

  • Name listed at the 2024 Blackboard Affair as a WITS Summer Books Teacher Champion 
  • Two (2) tickets to the WITS Blackboard Affair. 


Provides an entire classroom of students with books to take home for the summer. 


Builds a classroom library for a teacher. 


Adds books to the WITS Program Library so students can read high-interest books all school year. 


Funds our mission at WITS: we believe that literacy is the foundation on which all other learning develops. 


Sends one student home with their own set of brand-new age appropriate, high-interest, culturally relevant books.


The following section includes relevant content about WITS that you can use when sharing information with your network. Feel free to copy this content verbatim or use it as inspiration!

WITS Mission

WITS believes that literacy is the foundation on which all other learning develops. Our mission is to empower Chicago elementary students to discover themselves through reading while developing foundational literacy skills. We do this by creating community through literacy-based mentorship, enabling teachers to build diverse classroom libraries, and promoting book ownership at home.


By the end of the school year, 71% of WITS students had met or exceeded the national standard for reading level proficiency in their grade level, compared to 39% at the beginning of the school year.

Seventy-five percent of WITS Kindergarten teachers reported that their students had developed specialized reading interests throughout the year, an increase of more than 30% from the beginning of the year.

Eighty-four percent of WITS students reported that they liked reading books for fun at the end of the school year, up from 68% at the beginning of the school year.​

At the end of the school year, an average of 90% of WITS students reported feeling good or very good about spending time with their mentors.​