Page 46 - WITS Virtual Program Epic Book Guide
P. 46
All About…series Esquivel! Space-Age Sound Artist by Susan Wood
Reading Level: W,V Reading Level: U
Genre: history, biography Genre: history, biography, music
Format: Chapter book Format: Picture book
Description: Discover the stories behind Description: Juan Garcia Esquivel loved music.
famous historical figures and places in this Defying convention, he created music that made
series. Books 1-19 available. people laugh and planted images in their minds.
Frida Kahlo and her Animalitos by Monica
Rebel Girls series by Francesca Cavallo & Brown
Elena Favilli Reading Level: Q
Reading Level: S Genre: biography, history
Genre: history, biography Format: Picture book
Format: Chapter book Description: Frida Kahlo and Her
Description: A collection of true stories about Animalitos is based on the life of Frida
the activism and bravery of twenty inspiring Kahlo and the animals that inspired her art
leaders illustrated by female artists from and life.
around the world. Books 1-2 available.