Page 45 - WITS Virtual Program Epic Book Guide
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg: The Case of R.B.G. vs. Solider for Equality: Joséde la Luz Sáenz and the
Inequality by Jonah Winter Great War by Duncan Tonatiuh
Reading Level: U Reading Level: S
Genre: history, biography Genre: history, biography
Format: Picture book Format: Picture book
Description: To become the first female Jewish Description: José de la Luz Sáenz believed in
Supreme Court Justice, the unsinkable Ruth fighting for what was right, whether in America for
Bader Ginsburg had to overcome countless civil rights or in Europe for the Allies during WWI.
Kid Legends series Rise Up: Ordinary Kids with Extraordinary
Reading Level: V Stories by Amanda Li
Genre: history, biography Reading Level: S
Format: Chapter book Genre: history, biography
Description: Moving yet funny childhood Format: Chapter book
biographies of famous authors, athletes, artists, Description: Featuring 29 tales of
scientists, presidents, and activists. Books 1-6 extraordinary kids who have achieved the
available. unimaginable, from triumphing over illness
41 and injury to overcoming bullying.