Page 9 - WITS Virtual Program Epic Book Guide
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                                                   5TH-6TH GRADE

             Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales series  by Nathan       The Sister’s Grimm : The Fairytale Detectives series  by
             Hale                                                  Michael Buckley
             Reading Level: I-O                                    Reading Level: P,Q,R
             Genre: adventure                                      Genre: fantasy & magic, adventure, family
             Format: Graphic novel                                 Format: Chapter book
             Description: Each of the books in Nathan Hale's       Description: Orphaned sisters Sabrina and Daphne  are
             Hazardous Tales has elements of the strange but       sent to live with their newly discovered grandmother,
             true and is presented in an engaging, funny           Relda Grimm, in the strange town of Ferryport Landing.
             format, highlighting the larger-than-life characters  The girls soon learn a family secret: that they are
             that pop up in real history. Books 1-8 available.     descendants of the famous Brothers Grimm, whose book
                                                                   of fairy tales is actually a history book! Books 1-6

            N.E.R.D.S series by Michael Buckley                     The Long-Lost Secret Diary series  by Tim Collins
            Reading Level: P,Q,U                                    Reading Level: Q,R,V
            Genre: adventure, science, laugh-out-loud               Genre: adventure, laugh-out-loud
            Format: Chapter book                                    Format: Chapter book
            Description: NERDS (National Espionage, Rescue,         Description: The hilarious Long-Lost Secret Diary
            and Defense Society) combines all the excitement of     series put readers inside the heads of unlucky
            international espionage with all the awkwardness of     people in unfortunate situations. The accessible,
            elementary school, and the results are hilarious.       irreverent stories will keep young readers laughing
            Books 1-5 available.                                    as they learn the importance of not being afraid to
                                                              5     learn from one’s mistakes. Books 1-4 available.
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