Page 34 - WITS Virtual Program Epic Book Guide
P. 34


                                         CHAPTER BOOKS

                                                                  The Sister’s Grimm : The Fairytale Detectives series  by
             The Girl Who Drank the Moon  by Kelly Barnhill       Michael Buckley
             Reading Level: N                                     Reading Level: P,Q,R
             Genre: fantasy & magic, adventure                    Genre: fantasy & magic, adventure, family
             Format: Chapter book                                 Format: Chapter book
             Description: An epic about a young girl raised by    Description: Orphaned sisters Sabrina and Daphne  are
             a witch, a swamp monster, and a Perfectly Tiny       sent to live with their newly discovered grandmother,
             Dragon, who must unlock the magic buried deep        Relda Grimm, in the strange town of Ferryport Landing.
             inside her.                                          The girls soon learn a family secret: that they are
                                                                  descendants of the famous Brothers Grimm, whose book
                                                                  of fairy tales is actually a history book! Books 1-6

                                                                  N.E.R.D.S series by Michael Buckley
                                                                  Reading Level: P,Q,U
             Finding Langston  by Lesa Cline-Ransome
             Reading Level: Q                                     Genre: adventure, science, laugh-out-loud
             Genre: family, adventure                             Format: Chapter book
                                                                  Description: NERDS (National Espionage, Rescue,
             Format: Chapter book
             Description: When eleven-year-old Langston's         and Defense Society) combines all the excitement of
             father moves them from Alabama to Chicago, it feels  international espionage with all the awkwardness of
             like he's giving up everything he loves.             elementary school, and the results are hilarious.
                                                                  Books 1-5 available.

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