Page 21 - WITS Virtual Program Epic Book Guide
P. 21
Meet Yasmin by Saadia Faruqi
Reading Level: M
Genre: adventure, mystery Sherlock Sam series by A.J. Low
Format: Chapter book Reading Level: N, P
Description: Yasmin is a spirited second Genre: adventure, mystery, science, pets
grader who's always on the lookout for those Format: Chapter book
"aha" moments to help her solve life's little Description: Samuel Tan Cher Lock, aka Sherlock
problems. Taking inspiration from her Sam, is the “Greatest Boy Detective in Singapore”,
surroundings and her big imagination, she so says his best friend Jimmy. Join him and Watson,
boldly faces any situation, assuming her his robot, in solving mysteries. Books 1-3 available.
imagination doesn't get too big, of course!
Inspector Flytrap series by Tom Angleberger & Cece Bell
Reading Level: M
Genre: adventure, mystery, fantasy & magic, laugh-out- Milo and Jazz series by Lewis B
loud Montgomery
Format: Chapter book Reading Level: J,L,K
Description: Enter the humorous and wacky world of Genre: mystery, friendship
Inspector Flytrap’s Detective Agency, home to the world- Format: Chapter book
renowned solver of BIG DEAL mysteries. The plant Description: Join Milo and Jazz in
detective works tirelessly with his assistant Nina the Goat
on his community’s unsolved cases. There’s no case too solving mysteries around their school.
big, but there are definitely cases too small for this 17 Books 1-12 available.
endearingly self-important plant detective. Books 1-3